

with your kids, or your friends

The amusement parks for you kids, or with your friends… To spend a different time, or as an alternative to a full day on the beach, the theme parks are great for the families with kids of all ages, but also for groups of friends and field trips from Riccione.

The parks of the Adriatic Riviera attract thousands of visitors every year, thanks to their diversity.


Not far from Ravenna, on the Adriatica state highway, easily reachable by car or by coach: this park offer lots of attractions for the youngest kids, such as the Mini rapids, the Ottoland, Fantasyland or the Leprotto Express – plus many rides for adults and youngsters like the Rio bravo, the breathtaking roller-coaster, the Delirium or the brand new Divertical. Get excited with the several entertainment shows and musicals, such as Scuola di Polizia (Police Academy), Circo di Mike (Mike’s Circus) and Otto e la tribu’ a testa in giu’ (Otto and the upside down tribe), full of stunts and acrobatic feats that will make your jaw drop.


Not far from the Aquafan water park lies Oltremare, with its four different sections called Water, Earth, Fire and Air. In each section you will discover attractions connected with each element. The Acqua (Water) area hosts the Dolphins’ Laguna, with shows starring the famous “Ulisse” dolphin, star of different commercials, and the Pianeta Mare (Planet Sea), with sharks, moray eels and seahorses. The Terra (Earth) zone is more educational, and will let you discover the history of planet Earth through its main stages, such as the Big Bang, the dinosaurs’ extinction, the Ice Age and the appearance of mankind. Adventure-lovers shouldn’t miss the Fuoco (Fire) area, boasting the 4000 m² of Adventure Island with suspension bridges, boat rides and sandy islands for an action- and adrenaline-filled time. In the Aria (Air) zone, instead, you will admire the breathtaking air shows of birds of prey like hawks, eagles and vultures at the Mulino del Gufo (the Owl’s Mill).

Conveniently located between Rimini and Riccione, near the Miramare airport, Fiabilandia is easily reachable from the main beach resorts with the public transportation (bus #11 and a short walk) or in few minutes by car.

Its attractions are aimed to kids up to 14 years old, like the Scivolone Gigante (the giant slide), the Castello di Merlino (Merlin’s Castle), Fort Laramie, SpaceMouse. Older visitors will enjoy the fantastic 4D Cinema with its tridimensional images and real special effects like odors, water spray and rushes of air, for a truly exciting viewing experience.

Located between Riccione and Cattolica, right on the seafront, this aquarium has several sections, divided by color, housing sharks, penguins, otters, sea turtles, stingrays and jellyfish.

These species come from all over the world, and an important part of the aquarium is dedicated to the protection of the seas, for all the visitors to understand how to contribute.

The Aquafan water park is considered an institution of the city of Riccione, located right at the “Riccione’’ exit of the A14 highway. It’s easily reachable by car or by public transportation, with the #42 bus from the train station and Piazzale Curiel.

The park is nationally famous thanks to its constant collaboration with the Radio Deejay broadcast, showcasing artists of the likes of Jovanotti and Fiorello since the 80’s at the Disco Walky Cup, and with the program Deejay television. Linus, the radio’s manager, is a habitue of the Green Pearl. The attractions are of the same high level, with Kamikaze slides, refreshment areas, shops, pools with artificial waves and nice little beaches to rest on.


Completely free for the guests of the Hotel La Plata, this park is located on the shoreline of Riccione, at the “Bagno 134”. You can easily reach it with the #11 bus, getting off at the #38 stop. Slides and pools are waiting for you, as well as a fantastic entertainment staff and its games and dances. For the youngest there is a wonderful Mini club, and everyone else will have a great time with the sport tournaments, the aqua gym, the Latin-american dance classes..

For all the geography- and travel-lovers, the Italia in Miniatura (Italy in Miniature) offers several itineraries through the 20 regions of the Belpaese at the discovery of the most representative monuments, piazzas, bell towers and villages of the Italian peninsula.

From the suspended monorail you will enjoy a breathtaking view of the Italian and European highlights. Kids will love playing in the several dedicated areas like the Scherzi d’acqua (Water tricks), Play Stokke, Cannonacqua or in the Science Luna park, thus combining culture and fun. A great day for the families or groups of friends.


This is a great alternative to a day on the sunbed, at least for the adrenaline-addicted. Immersed in the nature around San Marino, you will learn new balancing and coordination techniques before an exploration of the jungle with the highly trained staff, and with all the safety equipment for your complete security. Six levels of itineraries are available for the kids, who can start on a big inflatable mat with lots of new friends. For the youngsters and the adults, ten levels are available – from the 20-meter controlled fall to the uneven Tibetan bridge, the rocky frame or the 280-m pulley.

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