
Book directly from our official website ... convenient!

 Get ready to receive many advantages and benefits to make your holiday in Riccione even more fun and comfortable.


  • Free entry during the whole stay to the Beach Village water park (
  • 5.00 Euro discount on the cost of the meal (22.00 euro list price 17.00 euro discounted price)
  • Discounted price for the bathroom 121
  • Free and unlimited Wifi
  • Tickets to all theme parks at reserved prices
  • BUS free bus line 11 from stop n ° 38 “Marano area”, Viale Ceccarini and Terme di Riccione stop from 8.30 in the morning until 19.30 in the evening


  • Free entry during the whole stay to the Beach Village water park (
  • 00 Euro discount on the cost of the meal (22.00 euro list price 17.00 euro discounted price)
  • Discounted price for the bathroom 135-136
  • Free and unlimited Wi-fi
  • Tickets to all theme parks at reserved prices
  • BUS free bus line 11 from stop n ° 38 “Marano area”, Viale Ceccarini and Terme di Riccione stop from 8.30 in the morning until 19.30 in the evening
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"(Italiano) Weekend"

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Beach Village Free

Sconto Ristorante

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